The Centre continued to perform e important task of conducting training programmes for e library& information science community in e universities and colleges. The Centre developed portal to capture data required for ranking of universities, colleges and oer institutes desirous of ranking emselves in different category, namely Engineering, Pharmacy, Management, Architecture, Colleges, Law, Medical and Overall.The Centre also provided publications and citations data from Web of Science, Scopus and Indian Citation Index for more an 3,000 institutes at were applicant for ranking emselves under e NIRF.
In addition, development of Web-portal for India Rankings 2017 under e National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), a prestigious initiative of e Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), was assigned to e INFLIBNET Centre for e second time.
The portal incorporates different modules such as Expert Management System, e-resources, Project Proposal System, discussion forum, etc. The platform is being designed to assimilate all e information on a single platform. The Centre was awarded e task of developing a web-based platform for Food Safety Knowledge Assimilation Network (FSKAN) at would facilitate scientific co-operation by co-ordination of activities, exchange of information, development and implementation of joint projects amongst a network of organizations wiin e Food Auority's responsibility rough FSKAN. Ved Prakash, Chairman, UGC during e 17 Meeting of e Governing Council of e INFLIBNET Centre held on Friday, 10 March, 2017 at e UGC Main Office, New Delhi Welcome to e Newly Nominated Members of Governing Council, INFLIBNET Centre Article Staff News Users' Speak INFLIBNET in Regional Newsģ From Director's Desk The first quarter of e New Year brought two new projects to e INFLIBNET Centre.
: Open Journal Access System (OJAS) VIDWAN Shodhganga e-shodhsindhu ICT Skill Development Programmes e-pg Pashala Vidya-Mitra: Integrated e-content Portal INFLIBNET s Institutional Repositary InfiStats: Usage Statistics Portal for e-resourceĢ 1 3 4 From Director's Desk Training Programme on SOUL 2.0, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar INFLIBNET Regional Training Programme on Library Automation (IRTPLA) INFLIBNET Regional Training Programme on Library Automation, Mohanlal Sukhdia University, Udaipur, February, 2017 INFLIBNET Regional Training Programme on Library Automation, Calcutta University, Kolkata, st 28 March-1 April, Specialized Training Programmes/National Workshops/ National Conferences Five-day Training Programme on Creation and management of Digital Collections using DSpace, INFLIBNET rd Centre, Gandhinagar, 30 January-3 February 2017 Half-day Workshop on Preparing Qualitative Data for Sharing and Reuse, INFLIBNET Centre, 6 March, 2017 Five-Day National Workshop on Digitization of Resources using Open Source Software EPrints, Allagappa University, Karaikudi, 6-10 March, 2017 Five-Day National Workshop on Digitization of Resources using Open Source Software DSpace, Central University of Tamil Nadu (CUTN), Thiruvarur, March, rd 3 Workshop on SWAYAMPRABHA, BISAG, Gandhinagar, 25 January, 2017 International Conference on Library and Information Services in Knowledge Society: Innovative, Value Added st rd Services and Best Practices, Mizoram University, Aizawl, 1-3 March, 2017 National Institutional Ranking Framework Current Status of Activities & Services of e INFLIBNET Centre New INFLIBNET Centre Republic Day Felicitation of Prof. 24, No.1 (January to March 2017) RCommander Tinn-R Microsoft R Open & R Server R GUI R: An Open Source Software Environment for Statistical Analysis Yatrik Patel1, Divyakant Vaghela2, Hitesh Solanki3 and Mitisha Vaidya4 1 Scientist D (CS),2,3 Scientist B (CS), 4 Project Officer (CS) IndCat N-LIST (E-resources for College) SOUL Helpline Tel.